Protecting our patch

When you’ve found your perfect campsite, the last thing you want are obnoxious neighbours moving in after you have set up, thereby ruining the experience. We’ve contemplated what could be done to deter unwanted neighbours and come up with a few ideas (apologies to Christians and bogans in advance).

Firstly we considered getting one of those stylized fish stickers for the rear window of the Prado, hoping we are mistaken for right wing “Hillsong” conservatives. This might keep your run of the mill bogan group away but has the negative effect of potentially attracting right wing “Hillsong” conservatives!

Next up we thought we could behave like bogans, with loud heavy metal music blaring, a pile of stubbies around the camp fire and loud bad language ringing out from our annex! Again, the negative from this display of boganism is that we may encourage real bogans to move in. We could wake to find we’re surrounded by the local trail bike club out for a good weekend!

Finally, after some deliberation we came up with a foolproof plan. The one thing that delivers fear into the heart of most campers, whether they abide by the rules or not, would do the trick with no downside. We’re getting stickers made up, one for the driver’s door and the other for the passenger’s door of the Prado, in Plain Helvetica font that spells out “Ranger”.

We think that will keep all but the most law-abiding campers well away, so we can enjoy the campsite for what nature has to deliver without the distractions of loud music, pets, crying / screaming kids, rubbish, fires in makeshift fireplaces, chainsaws, generators, finding the seat up on the long drop toilet, etc.

If next time you see our Prado with the word “Ranger” on the front doors, it’s not evidence of a career change but a selfish attempt to preserve special campsites for our own enjoyment!

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