There is a pastime on Cape York that involves discussing the road conditions ahead and where the best / worst conditions can be found. Since leaving Noosa we have heard various tales of woe about the condition of the roads. ‘Buy a mouthguard’ was one recommendation – ‘would never return’ was another comment frequently heard.
Having been to the top and now on our way south (for a short while) we feel qualified to comment on the road conditions – at least for the roads we’ve driven on.
The track from Punsand Bay to Bamaga is rubbish. The track from Punsand Bay to the main Cape track is really, really rubbish. The Cape track is rubbish from Bamaga to the Cape. The track from Bamaga to the Jardine River is really, really rubbish and the track from the Jardine River ferry to Bramwell Junction in really rubbish.
We passed one rollover today, between the Eliot Falls turnoff and Bramwell Junction. A Prado was looking very sad with the windscreen crushed in, the roof badly dented and most panels damaged. It was on all four wheels but with no occupants visible. We caught up with them and their friends at Bramwell Junction while the ambulance & emergency services guys attended to the injured – mainly scratches, shock and a possible broken arm. We think they got off lightly having seen the remains of the vehicle!
We will follow the advice offered on the signs and ‘drive to the prevailing conditions’.