During our travels we have had time to reflect on all manner of things. In this list we have pulled together a number of items that would make the camping and travel experience even more enjoyable.
- Silent tent zippers – so the late night dash to the amenities block does not wake everyone within a 50 metre radius as the tent zippers are undone!
- Remote control to turn roadwork traffic lights to green – so lengthy delays at roadworks on rarely used tracks can be avoided.
- A test to weed out the incompetent caravan and camping ground managers from the good ones – and never let them near a managerial role again.
- Dust resistant camper trailers – the reason is obvious.
- Three-in-one deodorant, sunscreen, insect repellent – would save hours of time and heaps of storage space.
- A force-field that repels all potential campsite invaders when you’re not around – needs to cover birds, marsupials and firewood-stealing people.
- A canvas-proofing product that makes it impossible for bird droppings to stick to canvas.
- Annexes and grounds sheets that include folding lines printed on them – so when properly folded they fit back into the carry bag provided.
- Maps that always fold the right way.
- A GPS locator device for connecting tow-balls to trailers – would save a lot of relationships!
If any of these ideas have already been developed into real products that are on the market, let us know, we’d love to give them a try.